
Replace Text in a PDF File with Python

In today’s fast-paced digital world, redacting sensitive information from PDF documents is an important task. Whether it’s removing personal information or replacing sensitive text with asterisks, the process can be time-consuming and manual. But what if you could automate the redaction process using Python?

With PyPDF2, OpenCV, and fpdf libraries, you can! In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to remove or replace text in a PDF with Python.

neural style transfer using tensorflow

Tutorial – Neural Style Transfer using Tensorflow

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to do Neural Style Transfer using the Tensorflow library of Python. This method is commonly used in computer vision to create high-quality versions of low-quality images with artistic styles.

Invoice parser using OCR OpenCV and Python

Form parser using OCR OpenCV and Python

Let’s see how to build a form parser using Tesseract OCR, OpenCV, and Python. We will use feature-based Image alignment technique to extract specific information based on coordinate location.

Image to Text using Tesseract OCR with Python

OCR in short Optical Character Recognition or optical character reader is an essential part of data mining, which mainly deals with typed, handwritten, or printed documents. Every image in the world contains some information. In this post I will explain you detailed code for pytesseract (python wrapper of tesseract) image to string operation.