Click Event on Leaflet Tile Map in Shiny

Interactive maps have become very popular in today’s web applications. They allow users to explore maps and data in an engaging way. Leaflet is a widely used JavaScript library for creating such interactive maps because it is easy to use and flexible. In this tutorial, we will see how to add a click event on a Leaflet tile map in a Shiny application.

This event allows us to capture when a user clicks on the map and find out the latitude and longitude coordinates of the clicked location. We can then use this information to do interesting things, like displaying details or performing further actions based on the click.

Getting Started

Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. R and RStudio installed on your computer.
  2. The shiny package and its required packages installed.
  3. The leaflet package for creating interactive maps.

You can install shiny and leaflet packages using below command:

# Install required libraries

Creating the Shiny App

Let’s start by building a basic Shiny application that displays a Leaflet map. If you run this code, you’ll see a simple map in your Shiny application.

# Load the required libraries

# Define the user interface
ui <- fluidPage(

# Define the server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>%

# Run the Shiny app
shinyApp(ui, server)

Implementing the Click Event in leaflet Map

Currently, this application only has zoom-in zoom-out feature. You can not click anything inside this map tile.

Now, let’s make our shiny application more interactive by adding a click event to the map. This event will capture the latitude and longitude of the clicked location and display them as a pop-up on the map.

# Load the required libraries

# Define the user interface
ui <- fluidPage(

# Define the server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>%
      addTiles() %>%
      setView(lng = -95.7129, lat = 37.0902, zoom = 4) # Set the initial map view
  # Click event observer
  observeEvent(input$map_click, {
    click <- input$map_click
    if (!is.null(click)) {
      lng <- click$lng
      lat <- click$lat
      popup_msg <- paste("Clicked location:\nLatitude:", lat, "\nLongitude:", lng)
      leafletProxy("map") %>%
        clearPopups() %>%
        addPopups(lng = lng, lat = lat, popup_msg)

# Run the Shiny app
shinyApp(ui, server)

Now, when you run the updated application, you can click on any location on the map, and a pop-up will appear, showing the latitude and longitude coordinates of the clicked location.


Customizing the Click Event

The above example shows a simple click event that displays coordinates in a pop-up in the leaflet map. However, you can customize the click event according to your needs.

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For example, you could use the clicked coordinates to show specific information, draw markers or shapes on the map, or trigger other actions in your Shiny app.


In this tutorial, we learned how to add a click event to a Leaflet tile map in a Shiny application. This event allows us to capture user clicks and extract important information about the clicked location. By using this feature, we can create powerful and engaging map-based applications that provide valuable insights and a great user experience.

Interactive maps are a fantastic way to present complex data in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. Combining the flexibility of Leaflet with the interactivity of Shiny opens up a world of possibilities for developers to create impactful web applications for various purposes, like data visualization, environmental monitoring, logistics, and much more.

Remember, this is just the beginning of what you can do with Shiny and Leaflet. Feel free to explore further and unlock the full potential of these powerful tools in your geospatial projects.

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