Basics of python programming in 30 days

Usually, people spend a lot of time to learn the basics of python programming because they don’t have a proper plan structure. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can learn all basics of Python coding in just 30 days. I will give you the proper road map through which within 30 days you will have a strong understanding of python coding basics.

Note: In this tutorial, I will not teach you Python. In this post, I will show you the best way to learn Python within a month.

Why to learn Python Coding

Before you start learning Python you must know why you should learn Python. This will give you some extra motivation to work hard and learn Python coding.

In recent times python is the most popular language for its simple syntax and high-level features. As per the stack Overflow survey in 2020 Python is the most demanding coding language. Now, why did python become this much popular? This is because of its:

  • Simplicity: coding in python for its simple syntax. You can write python as a script (line by line code execution) or as object oriented mode (OOPs)
  • Open Source Language: Any one can use Python language freely
  • Huge Library: Python have huge library support. More number of library means you can solve your problem more quickly. No need to write anything from scratch
  • Low to High: You can write python as a script or as Object Oriented Programming

This is why Python is used almost everywhere like:

  • Data Science
  • Data Analysis
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App development
  • Game develoment
  • Embedded System
  • Robotics
  • IOT
  • Testing
  • etc.

You would definitely want to learn a language which you can implement almost everywhere. Then learn coding in python.

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Road map to learn basics of python programming

Learn basics of python programming in 30 days

Before start learning python you should have answers to the below questions:

  1. Why shall I learn Python?
  2. What shall I do with Python?

As you know python can be used in any field like web development, Mobile App development, Data Science, etc.

I think at this point you have answers for the above two questions. Now let’s say you want to learn python for Data Science.

To learn the basics of python programming in 30 days, you have to spend at least 2 hours a day. Now let me show you the best road map to learn coding in python in just 30 days. I will divide entire your learning into 4 parts:

  1. Basic syntax (8 hours or 4 days)
  2. Data Structures (12 hours or 6 day)
  3. Object Oriented Programming (OPPs) (16 hours or 8 days)
  4. Libraries in Python (16 hours or 8 days)

Learn Basic Syntax in Python

The very first step to learn coding in python is to learn the basic syntax. Devote 4 days to cover some important syntaxes of python. Let me note done some important topics which you must cover:

  • Python2 or Python3: I will recommend you to start with Python 3
  • jupyter notebook: I will recommend you to start with Jupyter notebook, as it is very easy to install and easy to use. You can run any block of code and see the output in your browser.
  • Basic Arithmetic operations
  • Control and conditional structure: like if condition, if-else condition, AND, OR
  • Looping: like for loop, while loop
  • User input

Data Structures in Python

Once you learn basic syntaxes, you should focus on the Data Structures of python listed below. You should spend at least 12 hours having some good knowledge of Data Structures in Python. Below are the topics you have to learn:

  • Integers
  • floating values
  • Strings
  • Boolean Variables
  • List
  • Tuples
  • Dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Data frame
  • Series
  • Arrays
  • Functions
  • Lambda Functions in Python
  • Iterators And Generators
  • Exception Handling
  • Imports libraries
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Object Oriented Programming in Python

At this point, you have some knowledge of the basics in Python. Now to take this knowledge to the next level you should understand Object-Oriented Programming in Python. OOPs concept is required while you will be developing an end-to-end data science project which can go for deployment. OOPs Knowledge is must if you want to develop any web application or Mobile Application.

You must spend at least 16 hours learning OOPs concept in Python. The time may vary if you are from any coding background. Let me give you some must-cover topics for OOPs concept in Python.

  • Pycharm or VS code: At this point I will not recommand you to continue your learning in Jupyter notebook. Start coding in Python using Pycharm or VS code. You can use jupyter notebook while you are writing Python code in scripting mode (line by line execution).
  • Classes
  • Object
  • Method
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Data Abstraction
  • Encapsulation

Libraries in Python

Once you learned till Object-Oriented Programming in Python, you learned 80% basics of python programming language. For the rest 20% you have to learn some libraries based on the areas where you want to apply Python. for example:

Data Science

If you want to apply Python in Data Science, you can learn below libraries:

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Web Developpemt

If you want to apply python coding in Web Development you can learn below libraries:

Game Development or Mobile Application Development

If you want coding in python for game development or mobile app development, you can learn below libraries:

  • Kivy
  • PyGame
  • Pyganim
  • OcempGUI
  • Arcade
  • Gloopy


In this tutorial, I gave you a proper road map to learn basics of python programming in just 30 days, The best way to lea. people often spend a lot of time to learn basics of python programming because they don’t have a proper plan structure. My intention of writing this post is to give you a straight and easy path so that you can have good knowledge in Python by spending least possible time.

Once you learned all of the above topics of Python. I will recommend you to do at least 5-6 projects. By doing that you will have confidence in Python to clear any interview or work in any live project.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write in the comment section below.

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