How to Become a Python Backend Developer


You are learning Python but what to do after learning basics of Python? Basically, you are learning Python to get a job right? Now there are various types of jobs where you can land after learning Python one of them is the Pyhon back-end development job. But to get selected in interviews, you must learn the specific technology for which you are planning your career. In this tutorial, I will tell you how you can prepare yourself to become a Python backend developer.

Now to answer the question in short How to become a Python back-end developer? To become a Python Backend developer, start by learning Python. Then, understand the entire process of software application development, especially for web apps. After that, explore a backend framework of the Python language, such as Django or Flask. Once you’ve done that, get familiar with the basics of front-end technologies like HTML and CSS. Finally, pick up the basics of databases.

What is the salary of backend Python developer?

Now to get some motivation about the value of Python back-end developers in the current software market, let me show you the salaries of a back-end developer in India. As per Glassdoor, the average salary of a Backend Python Developer in India is ₹ 4.8 Lakhs (ranging from ₹ 1.8 Lakhs to ₹ 14.0 Lakhs).


Difference between Back-end and Front-end

Before we go into the technical details of backend development you should know the entire phase of an application development.

Back-end development is all about application development, especially web app development. Now in web app development, there are mainly two fields: 1. Front-end development and 2. Back-end development.

What is front-end development?

Front-end means the front face of an application. As a client or user of any application what you see is the front end of that application. All the development involved in developing the front face or user interface (UI in short) of an application is called front-end development.

What is back-end development?

Now in the user interface (or front face), there are lots of widgets like buttons, checkboxes, etc. are there. If for example, you click any button, some action is performed by the application. These action logics are developed by some back-end developers.

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Target Python Learning

While reading this article, I hope you already learned the basics of Python. In case you just started learning Python then I will suggest you to take this Udemy course: Learn Python in 100 days. This course will give you a boost towards learning Python. If you are a book lover then this article is for you: 5 Best Books for Learning Python.

Okay, once you learned Python next step is to select a field or job role you are planning for your career. There are various fields you can choose after learning Python. Read this detailed article to select a field that best suits you: What to Do After Learning Basics of Python?

Learn Back-end Development Frameworks of Python

You are continuing to read this article which means you are really interested in seeing yourself as a Python back-end developer. This is also a good and demanding job role nowadays.

Some years ago, before Python gained popularity, Java and .NET used to be the most popular backend development languages. For those languages, there were some popular frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, etc.

Similarly, if you want to use Python for back-end development there are some frameworks that you need to master to get a job. Currently, there are mainly two popular Python backend development frameworks which are mostly used in IT (Information Technology) industry, those are: Django and Flask.

Both are good frameworks to use Python as a backend language. Django is considered more powerful and secure than Flask, especially with its default configuration. But it is not that you can not make a secure and large website with Python Flask back-end framework.

Why I said Django is powerful and secure is because Django comes as a full package. They call Django an MVT (Model View Template) framework. In the Java language, there is a backend framework called Spring, which is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. Both are same. MVT is just a fancy name of MVC in Django.

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What I tried to say by the above paragraph is that in MVT or MVC framework there is a specific and unique way or style to keep everything separate, safe, and secure. But in Flask that functionality does not come by default. If you want to make a strong web application using Flask then, everything you need to configure by your own.

This is the reason I said, By default, Django is more powerful than Flask. If you know more about Flask and Django Python backend development framework, then I will suggest you to read this article: Flask vs Django: Which One is Easier for Machine Learning? So either Flask or Django (if possible both) is a must-have skill for a Python backend developer.

Learn Front-end Development

Along with Flask and Django frameworks, a Python backend developer should also have a little bit of knowledge of front-end languages like: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you want to learn frontend, then I will recommend you to take this Udemy course first: Web Development | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery | NodeJS.

Since Python is getting popular day by day, everyone is trying to learn and switch to this language. This is the reason things are getting competitive
day by day.

That is why I would say to get a Back-end development Python job, you should also learn those front-end languages in detail. So that you will become not just a backend developer but a Python full-stack developer. This way, the probability of landing a well-paying job as a Python developer (back-end) will be higher.

Learn Database

A backend developer should also have the concept of databases. In most of real-time applications database is involved. So as a backend developer, you must know how to fetch data from a database and manipulate or handle it properly. Data is the highest priority in almost all applications.

There are various databases for structured data such as MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, etc., and for unstructured data like MongoDB, Cassandra, etc. I will suggest you to learn any one Structured database and try to integrate and manipulate it with Python. Knowledge of unstructured databases will be an added advantage to get a Python backend developer job.

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If you are new to databases then I will suggest you to start with SQLite and then try to learn and implement MySQL with Python. That’s it. While learning, just try to think from an application perspective. You can take this single Udemy course to learn all databases with Python: Python Database Course: SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLAlchemy.

If you are planning to work in transactional applications this this article for you: What are database transactions? with Example.

What Next?

In this article I shared must have skills to get a Python developer job or to become a Python backend developer. While learning those skills always keep in mind that when you will work on a backend development project you need to implement those in an application.

After learning those Python backend skills, I will suggest you to do some hands-on projects. More hands-on projects you will do more confidence you will gain and this confidence will surely help you in interviews.

That’s all for this article. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, please let me know in the comment section below.

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