Best Udemy Courses to learn Django with Learning Path


So you decided to learn Django through some courses. If that is the case, you are at the right place. In this article, I will share some best Udemy courses to speed up your learning of Django framework with Python.

If you want to learn something new, there are various ways or methods available out there. Someone like to learn something from Youtube, somebody preffer blog articles. But in that case, you need to first list down or do little bit of reasearch what you need to learn step by step.

I personally like learning something from blogpost. Because I preffer to implement something in parallel while learning. So blog article or tutorials help me to copy some code directly and run that to see what exactly is happening.

But problem of learning through Youtube or blog tutorial is that, you need to find out best learning path for you and then you study that specific thing by checking multiple youtube videos. That may take some time. This is the reason if you want to speed you your learning, you should spend some money to take some online course. By this way you no need to think for anything, just go with the course. Also you can read good books to learn Django end to end.

Now if you are expecting to learn entire Python Django framework or backend development by taking only one course, then I must tell you that this is not practical. To get confidence in this Python Django web app development framework, you should take atleast 3-4 courses to cover your entire learning. If you have less budget then you can take one course to get overview and then you can move on to Youtube or blog tutorials for specific learning.

Before taking a Udemy course to learn Django, you must know your standard, whether you are in beginner, intermediate or advanced level of full stack development or backend development. I devided entire list of best courses into these levels.

Now different people have different personalized preference. For example some like a course instructor who speaks more technically, some like to hear any technical thing in simple and normal english. Some people prefer fast speaker instructor and some like to go slowly. Along with that accent is very important. I personally like indian accent, your prefference can be different.

This is the reason for each category level I have listed down 2 to 3 Udemy courses, so that you can pick as per your preference.

Begginer Level

Beginner level means you just starting or planning to learn Django. In this section, I will add 4 courses. You can take any one or multiple from those as per your personal preference.

Python Django – The Practical Guide

Maximilian Schwarzmüller designed this Udemy course to teach you how to build web applications and websites with Python and the Django framework. He has over 10 years of experience in web development. Schwarzmüller created the course, which 5,848 students have rated 4.6 out of 5, accumulating 35,683 reviews.

Maximilian Schwarzmüller is a well-known instructor on Udemy and has created several popular courses on web development. People really like his courses because he covers everything well, and easy to understand, and keep you interested.

The course is divided into 17 sections with 256 lectures which will take 23 hour and 5 minutes to complete. It covers everything from the basics of Django to advanced topics like class-based views and file uploads. This Udemy course also provides several quizzes and coding exercises to help you reinforce your learning.

The course is designed for beginners and assumes no prior knowledge of Django. It is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to use Python for web development. By taking this course, you will learn how to build real projects. You will also learn how to connect data with relationships, query data with Django’s powerful model solution, and add administration panels to your projects. The instructure will teach you everything while building a blog website. That means if you like to learn something by implementing then this udemy course is for you.

Python Django Dev To Deployment

This is a very practical udemy course where you take a list of requirements from a fictional company to build a real estate application using Django. In this course you will learn how to use a basic html/css Bootstrap 4 theme. You will learn how you can turn those technologies into a real working application with an admin area. The admin area is used to manage resources including property listings, realtors and contact inquiries, etc.

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You will also learn how to create virtual environments, deploy your application using Gunicorn and Nginx, and work with PostgreSQL.

The course is divided into 10 sections and contains 70 lectures which will take you around 11 hours to complete. The instructor started this course with a section on learning basic Python syntax. So if you are new in Python then also you can directly jump into Django framework by taking this udemy course.

Instructure of this udemy course is Brad Traversy. He is a well-known instructor on Udemy and has created several popular courses on web development. His courses are known for being comprehensive, easy to follow, and engaging. Preview this course to check whether it is suited for your test.

Django for Beginners

If you have less budget and want to learn just basics of Python and Django then you can consider this Udemy course. This is a beginner’s course that will take you from absolute scratch to creating a simple Django web app. The course is designed for completely beginners and assumes no prior knowledge of Python and Django.

Bluelime Learning Solutions, with over 450 courses on Udemy, has created this course. The course is rated 4.1 out of 5 by 41,158 students and has around 766,078 reviews. Their courses are known for being comprehensive, easy to follow, and engaging.

This udemy course is divided into 7 sections and covers everything from the basics of Django to advanced topics like class-based views, file uploads, etc. The course also provides several quizzes and coding exercises to help you brushup your learning of Django Framework with Python.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to use Python for web development with Django. By taking this course, you will learn how to build a simple Django web app. You will also learn how to create Django project, create Django app, create Django model, run Django commands, use command line interface, run migrations, query Django database, register Django app, administer Django app, etc.

Django Web Development with Python

John Elder is the instructor of this course. He is well-known and popular as a content creator on both Udemy and YouTube. Instead of creating one lengthy course, he devided entire course of Django into several parts. This one is the first of them. This way he tried to give you freedom to choose the course you only need and complete your Django framework learning by spending less amount of money.

This udemy course has only 3 section to cover you very basic of Django framework. Once you take that course you can also buy another advanced courses created by John Elder like: Python Django Web Development: To-Do App, Build a Crypto Currency News Site With Python and Django, Build a User Authentication Web App With Python and Django, etc.

I will suggest you to take this course only if you have proper learning path to learn Django else you should avoid taking this course. Also I personally felt difficultiy understanding the accent of this instuctor and the way he explains things. It may be different in your case. This is the reason I am mentioning multiple courses for each levels, so that you can find your best suited course.

Intermediate Level

Once you learned basics of Django, you should continute learning advanced level so that you can gain in deph knowledge of this Python backend web development framework. For that, I have shortlisted some udemy courses which you can consider as per your preference to continue your learning of Django framework.

Django Crash Course

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to integrate GraphQL API with Django Framework. By taking this course, you will learn how to build a GraphQL API with Django Framework. You will also learn how to create a root schema and how to create schemas for apps. You will also learn how to add Types, Queries and Mutations.

The course divides into several sections, covering everything from the basics of Django to advanced topics like Token Authentication (JWT), Relay implementations, Filters, Pagination, etc. The course includes 22 hours of video content and several quizzes and coding exercises.

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Beginners with some knowledge of Python and web development will find this course best suited for them. The main focus of this udemy course is to teach you how to build rest API with Django framework of Python. Instructors started this course with basics of Django then slowly moved to Rest API teaching.

Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

If you are planning to make your career in full stack and backend development with Python with Djanog then this Udemy course is definately for you. This course will teach you how to build websites with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Python 3, and Django. You will also learn how to take advantage of Bootstrap to quickly style sites. And use jQuery to quickly work with the DOM, and understand HTTP requests.

Jose Portilla, with over 20 years of experience in web development, created this course. He devided this course into several sections to cover everything from the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript to advanced topics like REST APIs, User Authentication, etc. The course includes over 32 hours of video content and several quizzes and coding exercises.

This course was one of my favorite during my initial days of learning Django.

Django Core – A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts

Justin Mitchel, with over 568,000 students on Udemy, created this course to offer a comprehensive guide to various Django concepts. He divides into several sections, covering everything from the basics of Django to advanced topics like class-based views, file uploads, etc.

I will only recommend you this udemy course if you have some knowledge of Python and basic knowledge of Django. If you are just strated learning django, then please avoid this course.

Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django – Beginner

If you are only looking for a Udemy course to learn to build REST API with Django framework in Python then this course is definately for you. This course will show you how to build a Backend REST API using Python, Django (3.2), Django REST Framework (3.12), Docker, GitHub Actions, Postgres, and Test Driven Development.

The course is created by Mark Winterbottom and Brooke Rutherford. Mark Winterbottom and Brooke Rutherford are well-known instructors on Udemy and have created several popular courses on web development. They devided this entire 23 hours of video course into 37 sections which has around 236 lectures.

Rest API is tranding nowadays. You should definatly take this Udemy course if you want to learn Django to make Rest API.

Advanced Level

At this point I hope you found out your level. Now if you think you have good understanding of Django framework of Python then this is the right time to do some hands on. For that you need to do some advance Django based projects. Below listed Udemy courses will guide you through each steps to build a some advanced projects which you can add in your portfolio or resume.

Python eCommerce – Build a Django eCommerce Web Application

If you are interested in building an e-commerce website with Django and Python, this course is a great choice for you. You will learn a lot of practical skills and techniques like REST API, Email notification with mailchimp, building custom analytics, handling payment, managing refunds, deployment to Heroku, etc. that you can apply to your own projects or businesses.

This course is taught by Justin Mitchel, who is a coding entrepreneur and teacher. Justin Mitchel has over 20 years of experience in web development and has created several popular courses on Udemy, such as Coding for Entrepreneurs, Try Django, and Tweetme. He devided this entire project into 19 sections to explain each and every part of it. He also provides all the source code and resources you need to follow.

Build a Stock Market Web App With Python and Django

Do you want to learn how to use Python and Django to create a web app that can display and analyze stock market data? Do you want to follow along as an experienced web developer builds a cool project step by step? If yes, then you might be interested in this course: Build a Stock Market Web App with Python and Django.

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The course contains 42 videos and is around 4 hours long. You can watch theose tutorial videos at your own pace. By the end of this course, you will be able to build a stock market web app that lets you save stock ticker symbols to the database, then connects to a third party API to collect stock market information about your stocks. You will also learn how to style the website using Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework that simplifies web design and makes your website look beautiful and responsive.

Django Masterclass : Build 9 Real World Django Projects

If you just completed learning Django basics and looking for some projects to practice your skill then this Udemy course is for you.

In this course the instructor will guide you through building 9 different projects. Those are relatively simple projects but trust me if you understand those concepts used in those projects, your understanding will be verymuch clear and you should definately feel comfortable in Django framework.

I personally liked this udemy course since my initial days of learning Django. Because I don’t feel comfortable doing complex projects while learning something new. This is the reason again I am saying that if you just completed the basic concept of Django framework then you must take this udemy course.

Django In Real Life – Build Complex Restaurant Platform

This course is created by Rathan Kumar. The course contains 258 videos and is over 41 hours long. Around 4 thousand student took this course and got 4.5 out of 492 ratings. Before taking this course I will recommend you to check accent of the instructor in the preview section.

By the end of this course, you will be able to build a multi-vendor restaurant marketplace web app that lets you:

  • Register and login as a customer or a restaurant owner
  • Manage your profile and restaurant details
  • Build and edit your restaurant menu with categories and food items
  • Search for nearby restaurants based on location and keywords
  • Add items to your cart and checkout with PayPal or RazorPay
  • Place and track your orders and generate order numbers
  • Receive and manage orders from customers and see your total revenue and tax
  • Integrate email templates and verification tokens
  • Deploy your web app online with Python Anywhere and a custom domain name

Final Thought

There are so many courses on Udemy for one technology (for example Django). When I started learning Django, I found difficulty choosing best course from Udemy. This is the reason I made this article to do that hardwork for you, so that you can make the right choice.

Now every person have their own preferrence and way to understand something. Some one like to hear some thing in technical terms, some like in normal and easy english. Accent is another important thing while learning from some instructor. This is the reason I have listed down 3 to 4 courses for each level (beginner, intermediate and advanced).

The reason I categorized all courses into beginner, intermediate and advanced is that, every one should first know their level before taking any Django course. If you already have some knowledge of Django then there is no point of taking begginer courses to waste some money and time.

This is it for this article. If you have any questions or suggestiongs regarding this article, please let me know in the comment section below.

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