How to Make Money With Python: 12 Proven Ways

how to make money with python coding

Are you looking for ways to make money with Python? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore 12 proven ways to make money with Python.

Python is one of the most versatile programming languages in the world, and it’s becoming more popular every day. It’s not only used in software development and data science but also in web development, machine learning, game development, and many other fields. With its growing popularity and wide range of applications, it’s no wonder many people are looking for different ways to make money with Python.

How to make money with Python? You can earn money if you have Python coding skills in the following ways:

  • Get a Developer Job
  • Teach Coding Online
  • Freelancing
  • JoinCoding Contests
  • Create a Blog and make money from it
  • Create a YouTube channel and monetize it
  • Create Udemy Courses
  • Write Books
  • Sell Your Own Scripts and Libraries
  • Create Apps and Websites with Python to sell on marketplaces
  • Develop a Game with Python and sell it
  • Make a Startup

Now let’s explore each one of the above methods in detail.

1. Get a Python Developer Job

If you are good at Python programming, you can get a job at a company even if you don’t have a Bachelor’s degree in Technology. Many companies hire programmers based on degrees in Computer Science or equivalent, while others do not assess your skills based on only degrees.

With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, there are an increasing number of job openings for skilled Python programmers.

There are several steps you can take to increase your chances of getting a job as a Python developer:

  • Gain a solid understanding of the Python programming language: Make sure you have a strong foundation in Python, including familiarity with data types, control structures, object-oriented programming, and common libraries and frameworks.
  • Build a portfolio of Python projects: Create a portfolio of all the Python projects you have done. That showcases your skills and demonstrates your ability to solve real-world problems.
  • Consider obtaining relevant certifications: Obtaining a certification such as the Python Institute’s Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) or the Certified Professional in Python Programming (PCPP) can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers.
  • Network and make connections: Attend meetups and conferences related to Python, and connect with other Python developers and potential employers on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn.
  • Practice for technical interviews: Almost all Python developer job openings will require you to pass a technical interview, so it’s important to practice your problem-solving and coding skills. You can find practice problems and resources online, or consider working with a mentor or tutor to improve your skills.
  • Checking Career Pages: You can look for job openings on your favorite company’s website by visiting the ‘careers‘ section. You can apply for the positions you want there.

2. Teach Coding Online

There are numerous resources on the internet where you can learn anything at any time. For most common doubts, there are already solutions available on the Internet.

However, there were times when we had everything but still did not understand certain topics. This is why some people prefer to hire a teacher to clear their basics and explain some topics. This way they can easily clear their doubts one-on-one in live doubt sessions.

It is not necessary to be an expert in Python to teach online. You can teach whatever you know to people who are unfamiliar with that particular topic.

There are thousands of gigs on Fiverr for this purpose, you can create your own. Don’t be afraid; it’s simple to get started and not difficult to find clients. In fact, clients will find you; all you have to do is create good-quality gigs and watch the magic happen.

Not only Fiverr there are so many teaching platforms available like Wyzant, and TakeLessons. Register here also to increase the probability of getting clients (students).

You can charge depending on the complexity of the topic you are going to teach. In general, Python private tutors or coaches who offer one-on-one instruction or session charge an hourly rate that ranges from $25 to $75 per hour or more. You can bid a little bit less to get your first student.

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When you teach coding to others, it will eventually help you to learn and improve your coding skill. You can add your teaching experience to your portfolio or resume. This will also lead to more freelancing clients for you.

3. Freelancing

A freelancer is an individual who works on a project-by-project basis as a consultant or developer, rather than being a permanent employee of an organization. Freelancers are self-employed and typically offer their services to clients on a short-term or temporary basis. They may work in a variety of fields, including writing, design, programming, marketing, and more.

As a Freelancer, you can work remotely or on-site, and Freelancers may work for multiple clients at the same time. They are responsible for managing their own schedules and deadlines, and they may be paid by the hour, by the project, or on a retainer basis.

Yes, there are many freelancers in the world, but the quality is still very low. If you think you are good at Python coding in some area, you can definitely try freelancing which can give you lots of money.

There are many platforms available for freelancers to find work and connect with clients. Here are a few popular options:

These are just a few popular examples, and there are many other platforms available as well. It’s always a good idea to do your own research and determine which platform is the best fit for your skills and goals.

4. Join the Coding Contest

You can make money by participating in and winning coding contests or hackathons. Some organizations and companies host paid coding contests where you can compete for cash prizes. These contests may have a specific theme or problem to solve, and participants are typically required to submit a solution within a certain timeframe.

The prize money for Python coding contests can vary widely depending on the specific contest and the sponsoring organization. Some contests may offer small cash prizes, while others may offer larger prizes such as scholarships or grants.

You can find this kind of coding contest in your colleges or online. Below are some online platforms that conduct coding competitions:

Again, these are just a few examples. There are so many other platforms conducting coding contests. You can search and find them on the internet.

5. Create a Blog

You can create a blog (where you can post text-based content) and monetize it to make some money. Think Infi is an example of a Python blog.

It is not necessary to code the entire website when creating a blog or website. You can create your blog using popular platforms such as Blogger, and WordPress. Both have lots of themes that can greatly simplify your life.

Once you created the blog, you need to write lots of helpful articles to build a good amount of audience. However, building an audience will take a long time (usually more than a year or two).

Once you have a large audience, you can monetize your website with affiliate marketing and ads. You can also sell digital products on your websites, such as an ebook or a video course.

6. Create a Youtube Channel

Nowadays who doesn’t heard about YouTube? It is one of the most popular websites in the world, with millions of users uploading and watching videos every day.

Many programmers all over the world have learned coding from YouTube. Because we get everything for free and can try anything.

You can also create your YouTube channel and make money from it. There are several ways you can earn money through YouTube:

  1. Ad revenue: You can earn money from ads that are shown before, during, or after your videos. YouTube will place ads on your videos and you will earn a percentage of the ad revenue.
  2. Sponsored content: You can also earn money by creating sponsored content for companies that want to reach your audience. This could include sponsored videos or sponsored mentions in your videos.
  3. Affiliate marketing: You can earn money through affiliate marketing by promoting products or services from other companies in your videos and earning a commission for each sale or referral.
  4. Merchandise: You can also sell merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, or other items through your YouTube channel.
  5. Memberships: Some YouTubers offer paid memberships or subscription models, where users can access exclusive content or services for a fee.
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One thing to note is that it can take time to build up a successful YouTube channel and monetize it through these methods. It’s important to have a clear plan and focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. It can also be helpful to network with other YouTubers and industry professionals and learn from their experiences.

You need to upload quality content regularly and constantly to get a huge number of views and subscribers. You check my youtube channel where I upload project demos.

7. Create Udemy Courses

If you think your tutorial videos are so powerful and helpful, you can upload them on Udemy instead of showing them on YouTube for free. There are lots of people earning crores just with some courses.

Creating and selling a course on Udemy can be a lot of work and requires a significant time investment. It’s important to have a clear plan and focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. It can also be helpful to network with other Udemy instructors and industry professionals and learn from their experiences.

There is a misunderstanding about Udemy courses. Most people believe that they are not good at creating video courses or that their course will not stand out among other excellent courses because there are already many courses that are well-known, and no one will buy your course. I would say stop thinking negatively and give it a try with a clear plan. If you have quality, no one can beat you.

8. Write Programming eBooks

If you have in-depth knowledge about some programming topics, you can consider writing your own ebook and selling it. This is a one-time effort and you can earn lifetime if your book goes viral.

Here are a few steps you can follow to sell an ebook:

  • Format your ebook: Make sure your ebook is properly formatted and meets the requirements of the platform you have chosen. This may include converting your ebook to a specific file format, adding a table of contents, and including any necessary metadata.
  • Set a price: Determine a price for your ebook based on factors such as the length of the book, the value it provides to readers, and the competition.
  • Choose a platform: Choose a platform to sell your ebook through, such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, or your own website. Each platform has its own requirements and fees, so it’s important to carefully research your options.
  • Create a sales page: Create a sales page for your ebook that includes information about the book, a description of the value it provides to readers, and a clear call to action.
  • Promote your ebook: Promote your ebook through your own website, social media, and email lists, as well as through relevant online communities and forums. You can also consider running ads or using affiliate marketing to reach a wider audience.

9. Sell Your Own Scripts and Libraries

Developing Python modules is a lot of fun. It teaches us how to properly manage packages. It’s also a lot of fun to publish Python libraries and modules, which can be done open source or closed source.

Close source allows you to code a module to solve a specific problem and sell it on the marketplace like Envato Market, CodeCanyon, etc. You can also search for people looking for this service on Upwork, or you can create a gig on Fiverr.

10. Create Apps and websites with python

If you’re interested in web development, you can build Python-based websites and apps and sell them online in places like the Shopify app store or the Google app store. You can also sell your apps and websites on Python marketplaces such as Toptal.

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11. Develop a Game with Python and sell it

Do you know that you can make simple games with Python? Python has many libraries that can be used to create any type of game. Python can be used to create both desktop and mobile games.

There are various Python libraries for making desktop games, including PyGame, PyKyra, Pyglet, and others. Kivy is the best option for mobile.

Develop your own game and upload them to app stores. This is a unique way to make money with Python.

12. Make a Startup

If you are a very skilled Python programmer you can start your own startup and give it a try to earn so much money. To start a business, you must first identify a burning problem that has the potential to generate revenue and then solve that problem using your Python skills.

For example, you can use Python and a web framework such as Django to build a tool that helps teams manage and track their projects, including tasks, deadlines, and resources.

Similarly, there are numerous possibilities. However, ideas are inexpensive. The important thing is to put those ideas into action.

Starting a startup can be a complex and challenging process, but it can also be extremely rewarding. Here are a few steps you can follow to create a startup:

Identify a problem or opportunity

The first step in starting a startup is to identify a problem or opportunity that you can solve or address. This could be a new product or service, or a new way of doing something that already exists.

Validate your idea

Once you have an idea, it’s important to validate it by conducting market research and testing it with potential customers. This will help you determine whether there is a demand for your product or service and whether your solution is viable.

Develop a business plan

A business plan is a document that outlines the details of your startup, including your target market, financial projections, and marketing and sales strategies. Developing a business plan will help you clarify your goals and understand what it will take to achieve them.

Build a team

Building a strong team is essential for the success of your startup. This may include employees, advisors, and/or contractors or maybe your college friend. Choose team members who are passionate about your mission and bring a diverse set of skills to the table.

Raise funding

Depending on the size and scope of your startup, you may need to raise funding to get it off the ground. This could include seeking investment from venture capitalists, participating in accelerator programs, or crowdfunding.

Launch and grow

Once your startup is ready to go, it’s time to launch it and start growing. This may involve marketing and promoting your product or service, building partnerships, and adapting to market trends and customer needs.

Wrapping up

With the right skills and expertise, there are countless opportunities to monetize your abilities. Some options to consider include the 12 methods discussed in this article to make money with Python.

You can make money with Python only when you know the fundamentals of Python very well. I will recommend you to take this Udemy course to make yourself comfortable with Python language: Learn Python in 100 days.

There are still so many hidden ways to make money with Python. If you have some ideas or insights like that, please share them in the comments section below.

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